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We believe that the ‘Great Commission’ of Jesus Christ: to go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation is the fundamental activity of the church. This involves both the communication of the Christian message and the prayerful, compassionate provision of material and financial support to worthy causes.  We deem mission is to children and adults alike and applies locally, nationally and world-wide.


House of Victory


House of Victory (“Beit Nitzachon” in Hebrew), located in the city of Haifa on Mount Carmel, is Israel’s first Bible-based rehabilitation center. Founded by David and Karen Davis in 1991 after the first Gulf War, the vision for this ministry is the “one new man” in Messiah of Ephesians 2:14-16. Many Jews and Arabs have been delivered from life-controlling problems and have found new life through the word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. Marriages and families have been restored.


For more information about House of Victory, please e-mail Eric Benson at

©Skye Bible Church  |  Charity no. 1204678

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